Nested Flexbox: Why are my last three buttons this width?
Image by Emryn -

Nested Flexbox: Why are my last three buttons this width?

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Flexbox, theLayoutMode that was supposed to save us from the horrors of traditional CSS layouts, has its own set of quirks and gotchas. And one of the most frustrating ones is when your last three buttons (or any other flex items) refuse to behave and take on a life of their own, stretching to widths that defy logic and reason.

The Mystery of the Expanding Buttons

So, what’s going on here? Why do our carefully crafted flex layouts suddenly turn on us, making our buttons (or any other elements) grow to unnatural sizes? The answer lies in the way flexbox calculates its widths. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and examine the basic principles of flexbox.

Flexbox 101: A Quick Refresher

In a nutshell, flexbox (short for flexible box) is a layout mode that allows you to create responsive, flexible layouts. It’s all about arranging items in a container in a way that’s both efficient and flexible. Here’s a quick rundown of the key concepts:

  • flex-direction: Defines the direction in which the flex items are laid out (row, column, or their reverse counterparts).
  • justify-content: Controls how the flex items are justified within the container (left, center, right, space-between, space-around, etc.).
  • align-items: Specifies how the flex items are aligned within the container (stretch, center, flex-start, flex-end, etc.).
  • flex-wrap: Determines whether the flex items should wrap to a new line or not.
  • flex-basis: Sets the initial width of a flex item.
  • flex-grow and flex-shrink: Control how much a flex item should grow or shrink relative to the other items in the container.

The Trouble with Nested Flexbox

Now that we’ve refreshed our memories on flexbox basics, let’s get back to the problem at hand. When you nest multiple flex containers, things can get a bit hairy. The trouble arises when the inner flex container doesn’t have a fixed width, and the outer container tries to calculate the widths of its child elements.

<div class="outer-flex">
  <div class="inner-flex">
    <button>Button 1</button>
    <button>Button 2</button>
    <button>Button 3</button>

In this example, the outer flex container has a fixed width, let’s say 300px. The inner flex container, however, doesn’t have a fixed width. This is where the trouble begins.

Scenario Width Calculation Result
Outer container has a fixed width The inner container’s width is calculated based on the outer container’s width The inner container’s width is 300px (or whatever the outer container’s width is)
Inner container has no fixed width The inner container’s width is calculated based on its content (the three buttons) The inner container’s width is the sum of the widths of the three buttons
Inner container is a flex container The inner container’s width is calculated based on its flex items (the three buttons) The inner container’s width is distributed among the three buttons, making them equal in width

As you can see, when the inner container becomes a flex container, its width is no longer determined by the outer container’s width. Instead, it’s calculated based on its own flex items, which in this case are the three buttons. And that’s when things start to go awry.

The Solution: Using Flexbox Correctly

So, how do we tame the beast and get our buttons to behave? The solution is quite simple, really. We need to set a fixed width on the inner flex container, or at least provide a way for it to calculate its width based on its parent container. Here are a few ways to achieve this:

  1. Set a fixed width on the inner flex container:

    <div class="outer-flex">
      <div class="inner-flex" style="width: 300px;">
        <button>Button 1</button>
        <button>Button 2</button>
        <button>Button 3</button>
  2. Use the flex-basis property to set an initial width for the inner flex container:

    <div class="outer-flex">
      <div class="inner-flex" style="flex-basis: 300px;">
        <button>Button 1</button>
        <button>Button 2</button>
        <button>Button 3</button>
  3. Use the max-width property to limit the inner flex container’s width:

    <div class="outer-flex">
      <div class="inner-flex" style="max-width: 300px;">
        <button>Button 1</button>
        <button>Button 2</button>
        <button>Button 3</button>

By setting a fixed width or providing a way for the inner flex container to calculate its width, we ensure that it doesn’t try to distribute its width among its flex items (the three buttons). This, in turn, prevents the buttons from growing to unnatural widths.


Nested flexbox can be a powerful tool in your CSS arsenal, but it requires careful consideration and planning. By understanding how flexbox calculates its widths and taking steps to set a fixed width or provide a way for the inner flex container to calculate its width, you can avoid the common pitfall of having your last three buttons (or any other flex items) inexplicably grow to awkward widths. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility – use flexbox wisely!

And if you’re still struggling with nested flexbox, don’t worry – it’s not you, it’s flexbox. Just kidding! It’s probably just a minor misunderstanding that can be resolved with a bit of troubleshooting and patience. Happy coding!

Here is the requested HTML code:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about nested Flexbox!

Why are my last three buttons taking up the full width?

This is because the last three buttons are likely part of a nested Flexbox container that has a default `flex-wrap` property set to `wrap`. This means that when there’s not enough space to fit all the buttons on one line, Flexbox will wrap them to the next line, taking up the full width. To fix this, set `flex-wrap` to `nowrap` on the parent container, or adjust the width of the buttons themselves!

How do I prevent my buttons from stretching to fill the width?

Easy one! Simply add `flex: none` or `flex-grow: 0` to the buttons themselves, and they’ll take up only the space they need. This will prevent them from stretching to fill the width of their parent container.

What’s the difference between `flex-grow` and `flex-basis`?

`flex-grow` determines how much of the remaining space in the container should be allocated to the item, while `flex-basis` sets the initial main size of the item before free space is distributed. In other words, `flex-grow` is about distribution, while `flex-basis` is about the initial size!

Can I use `width` instead of `flex-basis`?

Not exactly! `width` sets the width of an element, while `flex-basis` sets the initial main size of a flex item. While they might seem similar, `width` won’t work as expected in a Flexbox context, so stick with `flex-basis` for consistency and flexibility (pun intended)!

Why do I need to set `display: flex` on the parent container?

This is because `display: flex` enables Flexbox layouts on the parent container, allowing its child elements to participate in the Flexbox layout. Without it, the Flexbox properties like `flex-grow` and `flex-basis` won’t work as intended. So, don’t forget to add `display: flex` to get the Flexbox party started!