Unlock the Power of Opentelemetry Collector: Tail-Based Sampling Made Easy!
Image by Emryn - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Opentelemetry Collector: Tail-Based Sampling Made Easy!

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Are you tired of drowning in a sea of telemetry data, struggling to pinpoint issues in your complex distributed systems? Do you want to simplify your observability setup while still capturing the most valuable insights? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the wonders of Opentelemetry Collector’s tail-based sampling, and show you how to sample 10% of each service with ease.

What is Tail-Based Sampling?

Tail-based sampling is a clever approach to reduce the volume of telemetry data while preserving the most important information. Instead of collecting and processing all data, you focus on the “tail” of the distribution – the most interesting and actionable data points. This technique is particularly useful when dealing with high-volume, low-signal data, such as logs or traces.

Why Use Tail-Based Sampling?

  • Reduced data ingestion costs
  • Faster data processing and query times
  • Improved data quality and signal-to-noise ratio
  • Simplified analysis and visualization
  • Enhanced collaboration and decision-making

Opentelemetry Collector: The Ultimate Telemetry Solution

Opentelemetry Collector is an open-source, vendor-agnostic telemetry data pipeline that helps you collect, process, and export data from your applications and services. With its flexibility and extensibility, the Collector is the perfect tool for implementing tail-based sampling.

Benefits of Using Opentelemetry Collector

  • Multi-language support (Java, Python, Go, and more)
  • Pluggable architecture for custom extensions
  • Native integration with popular telemetry systems (Prometheus, Jaeger, etc.)

Tail-Based Sampling with Opentelemetry Collector

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the implementation of tail-based sampling using Opentelemetry Collector. We’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide to sample 10% of each service.

Step 1: Configure the Collector

    protocol: grpc

  - type: sampling
      sampling_percentage: 10
      sampling_type: tail

  - type: logging
      logging_level: DEBUG

In this example, we’re configuring the Collector to:

  • Receive telemetry data via gRPC on port 55678
  • Apply the tail-based sampling processor with a 10% sampling rate
  • Export the sampled data to the logging exporter

Step 2: Instrument Your Services

Instrument your services using the Opentelemetry API to send telemetry data to the Collector. This can be done using the language-specific SDKs (e.g., Java, Python, Go).

import {Meter} from '@opentelemetry/api';

const meter = new Meter('my-service', '1.0.0');

meter.createCounter('requests_total', {
  description: 'Total requests received',

meter.createHistogram('response_latency', {
  description: 'Response latency in milliseconds',
  unit: 'ms',

In this example, we’re creating a meter instance for our service, and defining two metrics: a counter for total requests and a histogram for response latency.

Step 3: Run the Collector and Verify Sampling

Start the Opentelemetry Collector with the configured YAML file, and verify that the sampling processor is working as expected.

otelcol --config=config.yaml

Monitor the Collector’s logs to see the sampled data being exported:

2023-02-20T14:30:00.000Z   DEBUG   logging/exporter.go:122  Exporting data
  "resource": {
    "service.name": "my-service",
    "service.version": "1.0.0"
  "instrumentation_library": {
    "name": "opentelemetry",
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "metrics": [
      "name": "requests_total",
      "description": "Total requests received",
      "unit": "",
      "kind": "COUNTER",
      "data_point": {
        "attributes": {},
        "start_time_unix_nano": 1643723400000000000,
        "end_time_unix_nano": 1643723400000000000,
        "value": 10
      "name": "response_latency",
      "description": "Response latency in milliseconds",
      "unit": "ms",
      "kind": "HISTOGRAM",
      "data_point": {
        "attributes": {},
        "start_time_unix_nano": 1643723400000000000,
        "end_time_unix_nano": 1643723400000000000,
        "values": [
            "count": 5,
            "sum": 1000

Here, we see the sampled data being exported to the logging exporter, with the `requests_total` counter and `response_latency` histogram metrics being reported.

Tail-Based Sampling Use Cases

Tail-based sampling is an incredibly versatile technique, applicable to various use cases. Here are a few examples:

Error Reporting and Analysis

Sample 10% of error responses to identify trends and pinpoint issues in your error-prone services.

Performance Optimization

Apply tail-based sampling to latency-sensitive services to capture the most extreme latency values and optimize performance.

Resource Utilization Monitoring

Sample 10% of resource utilization data to track trends and anomalies in CPU, memory, and disk usage.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the power of Opentelemetry Collector’s tail-based sampling, demonstrating how to sample 10% of each service with ease. By applying this technique, you’ll unlock a treasure trove of insights, simplifying your observability setup and improving your ability to respond to complex issues in your distributed systems.

Keyword Definition
Opentelemetry Collector An open-source, vendor-agnostic telemetry data pipeline
Tail-Based Sampling A technique to reduce telemetry data volume by focusing on the most interesting data points
Sampling Percentage The percentage of data points to sample (e.g., 10%)

Remember to stay informed about the latest developments in Opentelemetry Collector and tail-based sampling. Share your experiences, ask questions, and contribute to the open-source community to help shape the future of observability!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Opentelemetry collector tail based sampling – sample 10% of each service”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on Opentelemetry collector tail-based sampling and how to sample 10% of each service!

What is Opentelemetry collector tail-based sampling?

Opentelemetry collector tail-based sampling is a method of sampling traces in the Opentelemetry collector. It involves selecting a subset of spans from the entire trace, typically based on a set of rules or criteria, to reduce the volume of data while preserving the most important information.

Why would I want to sample 10% of each service?

Sampling 10% of each service allows you to strike a balance between data volume and relevance. By sampling a representative portion of your services, you can gain insight into performance and behavior without being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data.

How do I configure Opentelemetry collector to sample 10% of each service?

To configure Opentelemetry collector to sample 10% of each service, you’ll need to update your collector configuration to include a `tail_sampling` processor with a `sample_rate` of 0.1 (10%). You can do this by editing your collector’s configuration file or using a configuration management tool.

What are the benefits of tail-based sampling?

Tail-based sampling offers several benefits, including reduced data volume, improved performance, and simplified data analysis. By focusing on the most relevant spans, you can gain a deeper understanding of your application’s behavior and identify areas for improvement.

Can I combine tail-based sampling with other sampling methods?

Yes, you can combine tail-based sampling with other sampling methods, such as head-based or probabilistic sampling. This allows you to tailor your sampling strategy to your specific use case and data requirements.

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